bug fixes + steam page + website

In my last update I wrote that I:

broke e v e r y t h i n g

a few times,

so things I’ve done since last update:

  • a lot of time spent on bug fixes

  • make a working pc build

  • made a steam store page

this is so much more work than expected: make banner + capsule art, ensure the many different resolutions fit correctly, record + make gifs, record + edit teaser video, page localization, upload pc build, get steam to approve it =_=

  • rewrite the save/load system

  • build framework for in-game purchases, including: purchasing a website, building the home page and creating the backend api to handle it. (in-progress)

  • rework the settings menu (in-progress)

  • started making a very basic implementation of all the different levels, including materials, skybox and textures

  • reworked the item-drop logic (extensively)

  • finishing localization system: much of it was left in a basic implementation only state, lately I’ve been trying to get it to fully working (in-progress)

as always, plenty of minor things I’m forgetting about but that’s pretty much it ¯\(ツ)


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(5 edits)

It’s funny, I started writing this post with only one thing.

Thinking: I really haven’t accomplished anything… :(

But as I wrote it, I would remember something else I did, and then it was like: Oh ya! I did this thing too., Oh wait and this!

By the end I didn’t realize how much I’ve actually done in the past few months. Crazy…